Is the rapid development of artificial intelligence safe for humanity?

Is the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence safe for humanity?

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Artificial intelligence is the hot topic of the year and with good reason. AI seemed to come out of nowhere and has revolutionised the way much of our society works and thinks, but is AI safe?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to complete tasks that are typically considered to require human intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving. Tasks that are considered “smart”.

The benefits of artificial intelligence are undeniable, with machines exhibiting human-like intelligence capable of accomplishing tasks in seconds that would take humans hours, days, or maybe even years!

This rapid progress has the potential to significantly accelerate human development, but it also presents a crucial question: Is this sudden evolution of artificial intelligence safe for humanity?

There are several concerns to consider.

1. Are we creating our own Frankenstein’s Monster?

One of the immediately obvious concerns is that we may be building our own Frankenstein’s monster — a creation that could ultimately lead to our downfall.

Pop culture is rife with this notion! Movies about rogue AI include 2001: A Space Odyssey, six Terminator movies, four Matrix movies, AI, Blade Runner, I Robot, Avengers: Age of Ultron and countless more!

These movies explore the idea that a purely logical intelligence, devoid of human emotion, might perceive humanity as either the root cause of global issues or as largely inconsequential and not worth sustaining. The fear is that, given the ability to act on these conclusions, such an intelligence might independently carry out actions that contribute to the extinction of humanity. In Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Ultron character spends just a few minutes scanning human history before arriving at the conclusion that humans must be destroyed to save the planet

While these movies are obviously exaggerated dramatisations, they are rooted in an increasingly real concern – the potential risks of developing a highly advanced, highly logical but completely unemotional intelligence capable of independent thought and action. If an eccentric businessman (looking at you, Elon Musk) decided to create a zoo-like theme park with cloned dinosaurs most of humanity would naturally have their reservations and yet, despite the myriad of “is this a good idea” observations readily available for decades, mankind seems determined to develop artificial intelligence as far as possible.

2. Can humanity cope with rapid AI-facilitated developments?

Another, less theatrical, concern lies in society’s ability to handle the rapid advancements that will come from AI’s ongoing implementation.

With AI’s ability to accomplish tasks at an unprecedented rate, technological breakthroughs which would previously take centuries could feasibly transpire within decades or even single-digit years.

It‘s somewhat comparable to lottery jackpot winners who find themselves suddenly thrust into extreme wealth. Statistics from the National Endowment for Financial Education show that around 70% of lottery jackpot winners go bankrupt within just a few years. This is because people given huge amounts of money very quickly have little to no experience in finance management and, while support is often provided, this simply cannot replace a lifetime of steadily snowballing practice.

It’s possible that a civilisation suddenly thrust into unnaturally rapid technological development may struggle to cope in a similar way.

3. What will the economic impact of job losses be?

While the previous 2 concerns are speculative and somewhat anecdotal, a serious concern lies in the economic impact that would result from vast numbers of jobs being lost to AI. Our entire economic system is based on the majority of people working for money, to buy the things they need to live, thus putting that money back into the economy.

As more businesses reduce their human workforce in favour of AI, there’s a growing concern that widespread job losses will lead to a significant portion of the workforce facing unemployment. The issues with widespread unemployment are far-reaching.

Firstly, as unemployment rises, the strain on social welfare systems would intensify. Governments would increasingly struggle to support the growing numbers of unemployed, leading to higher taxes and increased public debt. The additional burden on public resources could severely diminish the government’s ability to provide adequate support, creating serious social and economic problems.

As a significant percentage of the population grapples with financial insecurity, the likely result would be a decline in consumer spending and demand. Prolonged reductions in consumer spending could then create a cycle of contraction, as businesses respond to declining revenue with cutbacks, which only exacerbate unemployment further.

This shift would further income inequality, with a small minority benefiting, but the majority struggling to earn a living. For many countries, this could lead to a mass exodus of workers. Without a diverse and skilled workforce, economies may struggle to generate new business ventures and industries and could even face economic collapse.

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4. Will AI be used for evil?

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton

Let’s face it, humans don’t have the best track record when it comes to using our superpowers for good. Technological developments throughout history have primarily been used to profiteer, overpower, subjugate and control, often at the expense of the masses and the planet.

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So one of the biggest concerns around AI should be less about the technology itself and more about how it will be used by the people who control it. Questionable, borderline dystopian uses of AI have already been seen across the world. Some examples include

  • AI-controlled drone attacks
  • AI-augmented surveillance systems
  • AI used to reinforce unfair stereotypes and biases
  • AI-facilitated fraud
  • Data breaches and scams

5. The death of critical thinking

One of the big issues with AI is its lack of critical thinking. Everything AI creates is an amalgamation of what already exists. The problem is that a lot of what already exists is terrible! With the ability of artificial intelligence to rapidly produce an unlimited amount of biased, unjust and incorrect content, we run the risk of drastically speeding up the formation of echo chambers and filter bubbles.

Over the past few decades, biased and factually incorrect information has already been spread much more rapidly with the proliferation of social media, and this problem may only increase with the development of AI.

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In the relatively short space of time since AI’s worldwide adoption, we have already seen numerous examples of chatbot’s spreading biased and incorrect information. From an AI-powered image generator creating Barbie’s from around the world filled with offensive stereotypes and biases, to chatbots providing recipes for poisonous mushrooms, the lack of critical thinking that AI displays could unintentionally produce some horrific results.


Despite the cautionary tales, humanity remains steadfast in pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

The ongoing development of this technology undoubtedly offers exciting prospects for our society, but it simultaneously presents some complex safety and economic concerns. These concerns centre on our preparedness to adapt to the transformations that AI promises, as well as the potential for unintended consequences.

As we move forward, striking a balance between progress and precaution will be vital to ensuring that our creation doesn’t become a modern Frankenstein’s monster and that we are truly equipped to handle the future world that AI helps us create.

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